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Scope of Activity:
Services including artistic workshops: ritual art, artistic handicraft exhibitions and shows, herbalism, paper tissuing paper and weaving.
The opportunities offered in the Eco-museum of the Lublin Region:
„Siedlisko Małgorzaty” (ENG:“The Site of Margaret”) is a place rooted in the local tradition for generations. Anyone who goes there will be able to learn to weave on a loom, and produce an Easter palm or to learn how to dry flowers and herbs properly in order to make a bouquet. The site includes the plot, on which flowers and herbs are grown. Eager visitors can weed the fields of herbs and flowers and learn the cropping systems on their own. The hostess greets guests with a pleasant smile and gladly tells and shows how to perform all those wonders that are found in the chamber - the main place of the Site.
Tourist Offer:
Art workshops for groups and individuals. The ritual plastic art, artistic handicraft shows, herbalism and paper tissuing. Traditional original old looms weaving workshops.Available all-the- year-round.